Key Updates to the Electric Vehicle Tax Credit: Essential Information

Assuming you refinance debt that you incurred to buy, build, or substantially improve your main or second home, and that is secured by that home, interest on the refinanced debt is generally deductible. However, there are limitations on the amount of debt that can qualify for the interest deduction. First, it can’t be more than the amount of the original debt that has been refinanced. Additionally, the debt can’t exceed:Points
Mortgage points, also known as discount points, are fees paid directly to the lender at closing in exchange for a reduced interest rate. One point costs one percent of the mortgage amount (or $1,000 for every $100,000). Essentially, you pay some interest up front in exchange for a lower interest rate over the life of the loan.Points paid for the refinancing of your home mortgage are generally deductible over the life of the loan. If it is the second time you have refinanced your mortgage, any portion of the points you paid on the first mortgage that haven’t been deducted may be deductible in the year of the second refinancing.Penalties and Fees
Generally, a prepayment fee paid on the old mortgage is considered a payment of interest on that mortgage and, therefore, is deductible in the year it is paid. However, other fees, such as those for credit reports, appraisals, and loan origination, are not deductible.Before refinancing, talk with a financial or tax professional who can crunch the numbers for you and help you determine the most opportune option available to you.